Italian smalti italian smalti glass production in murano venice

Mosaici Donà leader in italian smalti production 

The colours of the tesserae of italian smalti present in the standard sample-book are available in our store.
On order, besides, we make any other colour according time, price and quantity. Use Realization of artistic, decorative, floor and wall tiling.
Plate Measures Round plates, 200-250 mm in diameter and about 10 mm in thickness. Other thickness on request (see Piastrina of italian smalti)

Italian Smalti Tesserae 

The tesserae are available in the following CUTS :

Quantity of italian smalti

To cover with italian smalti 1 square meter are required:

Orders of italian smalti

Minimum order of italian smalti:

Total minimum expedition is 4 kg